recuperare cont mail yahoo




recuperare cont mail yahoo


Categoria: Stocare-Backup Intrebat de: [2 Grey Star Level]
Answer #1

chiar sunt curios daca : ai scris 8 cuvinte cu tot cu titlu intrebarii?; sau ai scris doar 4 si ai dat copy paste ?

Answers Answered By: cristian23 [122 Blue Star Level]
Answer #2

1-de aici daca sti intrebarile secrete te descurci,daca nu adios cont,nu te lua pe net ce scrie ca iei vreun virus sau mai rau ,scam ,keyloger, sti intrebarile secrete=ADIO CONT.
2-resetatare cu mail alternativ
Reset your password using your alternate email address
Go to the Yahoo Password Helper.
Select I have a problem with my password and click Next.
Enter your Yahoo ID and click Next.
If prompted, enter the code from the CAPTCHA text verification.
Select your alternate email address and click Next.
– An email with the subject „Reset your Yahoo password” will be sent to the alternate email address you selected.
When you receive the email, click the Reset My Password link in the email message.
Enter your new password, and click Next.

3-reset daca ai un nr de telefon pus de tine
Go to the Yahoo Password Helper.
Select I have a problem with my password.
Enter your Yahoo ID and click Next.
If prompted, enter the code from the CAPTCHA text verification.
Select the Send a text message to recovery option and click Next.
-A text message [SMS] with a verification code will be sent to your mobile number.
Enter that verification code in the The code sent to my mobile phone is box.
Important: If you close the „The code sent to my mobile phone is” page, you’ll need to generate another code by going through steps 1-4 again.
Click Next.
Enter your new password, and click Next.

Answers Answered By: Fane de la gaze [4510 Orange Star Level]

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