Windows 7




Ce mai faceti?
Cand am incercat sa instalezi windows 7 pe unul din calculatoare m-am intalnit cu o eroare cu care nu am mai avut de a face pana acum si anume

„Windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 Partition 1. (show details)”

DETALII „Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer’s hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk’s controller is enabled in the computer’s BIOS menu.”

PS:Nu am destula experienta asa ca va cer voua ajutorul!


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Categoria: Software Intrebat de: [44 Green Star Level]
Answer #1

Cel mai probabil partitia este protejata de vreun program instalat inainte, gen RollBack RX, SysRestore, FastRestore, etc. Dezinstaleaza ceea ce asigura protectia, sau formateaza cu GParted.

Answers Answered By: polferis [2490 Orange Star Level]

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