Alerta Trend Micro




Pe un router Asus rt-ac68u primesc din ora in ora aceasta alerta:
Event number : 1
Alert type : Infected Device Prevention and Blocking
Source : – adresa mac a calculatorului meu
Destination :
T-AC68U’s AiProtection detected suspicious networking behavior and prevented your device making a connection to a malicious website (see above and the attached log for details). Suggested actions:
1. If you know that the cause of this attempted connection was a proprietary app or program and not a web browser, we recommand that you uninstall it from your device.
2. Ensure your device is up to time in all its operating system patches as well as updates to all apps or programs.
3. You should take this opportunity to check for, and install, any router firmware updates.
4. If you continue to receive such alerts for similar attempted connections, investigation into the cause will be necessary.
Meanwhile, rest assured that AiProtection continues to help keep you safe on the Internet.
Mesajul are atasat un fisier text cu urmatorul continut:
‚Adresa mea mac connects to a suspicious server ,the connection has been interrupted.’
Am antivirus Bitdefender cu licenta si am scanat sistemul cu Superantispyware free edition si Malwarebytes anti-malwaredar nu am gasit nimic suspect.
Are cineva idee despre ce este vorba?

Etichete: , , , ,

Categoria: Securitate Intrebat de: [26 Green Star Level]
Answer #1

Se poate sa fie ceva generic, fals pozitiv… cunosc routerul. Probabil ai accesat vreun site mai neortodox…
Dezactiveaza firewall in router, nu ai nevoie de el, ai in pc.

Answers Answered By: polferis [2490 Orange Star Level]

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